
Raynaud's Photos

Author: Shelley Ensz. Scleroderma is highly variable. See Types of Scleroderma. Read Disclaimer
Raynaud's, ISN Photo Repository
Photo property of ISN Photo Repository. Contributed by Judith T.

This photo is of a Raynaud's attack in a systemic scleroderma patient. Note the dark, dusky blue tinge in most fingers.

Raynaud's causes spasms of the blood vessels, which can shut down circulation to the affected areas, usually for a few minutes at a time. The temporary lack of blood flow to the area causes distinct color changes, often a stark, waxy white; sometimes a dusky blue; and as the circulation returns, the areas sometimes turn a bright pink or red. (Also see What is Raynaud's?)

The large bump is not related to Raynaud's; it is calcinosis. Raynaud's and calcinosis are both symptoms of CREST Syndrome, which is a form of systemic scleroderma.

Severe cases of systemic scleroderma and Raynaud's (as well as other illnesses) may cause a total lack of blood supply to the extremities. When this happens, necrosis (death of tissue) and gangrene may set in, sometimes making it necessary to have the affected part(s) amputated.

Raynaud's and gangrene sets in more frequently among scleroderma patients who smoke or use caffeine, because such substances further constrict blood vessels. (Also see Raynaud's Prevention)

Related Links

Digital Ulcer by Cindy G.ISN Photo Repository: Digital (Finger) Ulcers ISN.

GangreneISN Photo Repository: Gangrene in Fingertips (Enlarged) ISN.

Gangrene and Amputations ISN.

ISN Photo Repository (Main page)

ISN Photo Repository: Finger Ulcers

What is Raynaud's? ISN.

Raynaud's: Treatments: Severe Cases ISN.

Skin Involvement: Digital (Finger) Ulcers ISN.

Go to ISN Photo Repository: Sclerodactyly

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