SCLERO.ORG is retiring 4-24-2021. Thank you for the memories! You'll still find us in the Wayback Machine, and we'll carry your stories in our hearts forever.

Systemic Scleroderma: Gangrene in Fingertips

Author: Shelley Ensz. Scleroderma is highly variable. See Types of Scleroderma. Read Disclaimer
Ischemic Finger causing Gangrene in a Systemic Scleroderma Patient, by Judith Devlin
Property of ISN Photo Repository. Contributed by Judith Devlin.


Severe cases of systemic scleroderma and Raynaud's (as well as other illnesses) may cause a total lack of blood supply to the extremities. When this happens, necrosis (death of tissue) and gangrene may set in, sometimes making it necessary to have the affected part(s) amputated.

Gangrene sets in more frequently among scleroderma patients who smoke or use caffeine, because such substances further constrict blood vessels.

Related Links

GangreneISN Photo Repository: Gangrene in Fingertips (Enlarged). ISN.

Gangrene and Amputations. ISN.

ISN Photo Repository (Main Page).

ISN Photo Repository: Finger Ulcers.

Raynaud's: Treatments: Severe Cases. ISN.

Skin Involvement: Digital (Finger) Ulcers. ISN.

Go to ISN Photo Repository: Gangrene in Fingertips

SCLERO.ORG was the world's leading nonprofit for trustworthy research, support, education and awareness for scleroderma and related illnesses from 1998 to 2021. It was a grassroots movement from the original Scleroderma from A to Z web site, which was founded by Shelley Ensz. We were a 501(c)(3) U.S.-based public charitable foundation. We closed this web site and our nonprofit agency in April 2021.

International Scleroderma Network (ISN)