
Free and Low Cost Medication Programs

Overview of Free and Low Cost Medication Programs
Medication Assistance Programs
Medical Discount Programs
Medicare Resources
Mail Order Prescriptions
Pharmacy Discounts
U.K. Medication Programs


Pills by Janet Paulmenn, ISN ArtistOften when illness strikes, so do other events, such as job loss and financial strife. Use these resources to find free or low cost prescription or medical care. Also be sure to check with your local health and human services department to see what services are available in your area to reduce the burden of healthcare expenses for yourself or a loved one.

Medication Assistance Programs

Chronic Disease and Medication Assistance Programs. The Chronic Disease Fund is just what it sounds like; an organization that helps pay for costs associated with chronic illnesses. The diseases they deal with vary, but when you check the website you can find out what they are currently working with. Just click on Patients, and then on the left side, click on Diseases and Medications We Support. EmpowHER.

Help With Medicare Prescription Drug Costs. Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for the extra help if they have limited income and resources. The extra help can increase their cost savings by paying for part of the monthly premiums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments under the new prescription drug program. The extra help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. Social Security Online.

Medical Discount Programs

AmeriPlan is the largest discounted fee-for-services program of its type in the United States. They are not health insurance, but rather a discount program for health, medical, dental, vision, chiropractic, and hearing-aid products and services. AmeriPlan.

Medicare Resources

MedicareSolutions. Provides information and support on How to select a Medicare plan, Eligibility information for all Medicare plan types, and Medicare Choices. USA Phone 1-800-328-7305.

Mail Order Prescriptions

Sometimes mail order prescription plans offer savings, but do not assume that mail order plans are automatically cheaper.

Pharmacy Discounts

Nexium "Purple Plus Savings Card". Register online for this FREE savings card and get substantial discounts on your Nexium prescription. It is not valid for Massachusetts residents, nor for prescriptions purchased under Medicaid, Medicare, or similar federal, state, or other government-funded prescription benefit programs. Nexium.

U.K. Prescription Coverage

U.K. Prescription Coverage. This NHS website covers prescriptions including prepayment and exemption and carers direct for U.K. U.K. Government.

Go to Hospice Care

SCLERO.ORG is the world's leading nonprofit for trustworthy research, support, education and awareness for scleroderma and related illnesses. We are a 501(c)(3) U.S.-based public charitable foundation, established in 2002. Meet Our Team. Donations may also be mailed to:

International Scleroderma Network (ISN)
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